A super durable tote this is the kind of bag that always has your back. Its the kind of bag you want to be like. Smart, sexy, a little rough around the edges, and only gets better with age. It's the kind of bag that picks you up when you fall down. It might go to the farmers market for you and cook you breakfast just because. It reads hardcover books and has the will to limit its screen time. It's got a diversified stock portfolio and has some tips for you too. It's the kind of bag that makes people ask "where did you get that bag?". So get one, before they're all gone.

Whats it good for?
Go to grocery store bag
The best bag for the beach
One up your friends at the farmers market
Cool personal tote for the guys
Functional purse for the ladies
Carry large amount of cash
Store Tools / DJ Gear
Might hold water for a little while if you're in a pinch
The outside is definitely water resistant at least
Collecting eggs